First timer with lots of questions

I've put all 4 in the bed. They are trilling and chattering away to each other. I have dipped 2 of their beaks in water, but it's too early. I'll try again tomorrow.

5 may not be a survivor. It looks like it started to zip, but stopped, and there's no movement. It's also possible that it just pipped twice next to each other and then the hole got enlarged from the soccer and it's not a zip at all. It pipped about 5-6 hours after this batch that just hatched did.

6 is still sitting there in it's internal pip, but it's moving.

Goodnight all, will report in tomorrow.
Here's the first 4, from under their heat plate. Baby #5 just woke me up from two rooms away, announcing it's arrival to the world. And Baby #6 has pipped! Baby #5, looks just like 3 and 4.

The little ones are starting to peck at food, just a little bit. But no one wants anything to do with water. I assume I really don't have to worry until tomorrow?
I like to use tweezers to chip away very small pieces of the shell that covers the air cell, starting where the chick externally pipped. Then you can use coconut oil or warm water to moisten the membrane. This will make it easier for you to see the veins in the membrane and if the blood has been absorbed.
Do you have their brooder ready and heated? Once he's dry, you can place him in the brooder, as long as it's up to the correct temps
How do you do all that while keeping the incubator closed?

You'll find that some people are completely against assisting. There's nothing wrong with their way, but we all do whatever works best for us 💜
Count me among them.
The concern is for the other eggs, right now. What do I do with them? Soccer is an understatement for what this little one is doing. Do I put them back with the pips up when I move him? Do I take him out early and put him under his heating plate even though he's damp?

Is he about to kill his hatchmates?

Yes, the brooder is ready.
And here comes #3! Maybe egg soccer isn't a bad thing...
Nothing to worry about.
And we got 6 out of 6 from the ones that made it to lockdown! :)
Good job.

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