First timer with lots of questions

Does anyone know when they should start eating and drinking like mail order chicks? They pick at the food, but are often spitting it out. Drinking is a non-starter, even with beak dipping.
I start all my hatchlings out on old towels for first few days until they are eating. Some use paper towels or puppy pea pads. Then you can sprinkle a little feed around on floor of brooder, it helps to get them pecking and eating a little sooner until they figure out the feeder. Plus, it keeps them from eating some beddings like wood shavings ext. and getting impacted. As for water just keep dipping beak in waterer every so often like you are. Also, you can tap your finger on feeder and waterer like you are pecking it and they usually will get interested and copy you. It may take a day or so for them to get it, but they should get it.
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Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry

This article is the most helpful thread that's geared towards hatching. If I were you, I'd read it and then read it again. It's really that good! I still read it before hatch with every single clutch.

I'm going to tag a friend that helped me so much whenever I started hatching chicks @MGG If she's not available, I'll be happy to help as much as possible, but I can't promise you that I'll be on.

What temp have you incubated these eggs at? What breed are they? I wish you luck!
Thanks for the tag, Heather! :hugs
How's it going, @chickfused ?
How do you do all that while keeping the incubator closed?

Count me among them.

Nothing to worry about.

Good job.
I don't keep the incubator closed if I need to do something in there. I don't leave it open either, but lifting the lid to remove the egg that I need to do something with, do whatever I need to do and lifting lid to place the egg back in isn't going to cause problems as long as the incubator regains temp and humidity quickly 🙂

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