Fish Thread for posting Pictures of our fish, tanks, ponds, and Q & A

My first thought, being Winter, is if there was ice on top of whatever they are being kept in in the garage that was cracked through for observing. Because there metabolism is slowed way down the stress from breaking the ice could kill them.
My second thought is the concern that someone fed them. In cold weather they stop digesting, even though they will still beg.
I'm so sorry! I know I would be heart broken.
All ich is gone, but Pleco is still acting weird! It seems he is trying to get to air, but the only way is through the filter since our tank has a enclosed top. So this morning, I heard rocks shifting, and i just see Plecos tail at the surface! So he was in the filter, he got out when I started to open the filter.

My first thought, being Winter, is if there was ice on top of whatever they are being kept in in the garage that was cracked through for observing. Because there metabolism is slowed way down the stress from breaking the ice could kill them.
My second thought is the concern that someone fed them. In cold weather they stop digesting, even though they will still beg.
I'm so sorry! I know I would be heart broken.

Nope... There was no ice. They were in a stock tank the garage and our garage is heated to 45 degrees.

They haven't been fed for well over 2 months. With their water being 45 - 50 degrees, it's borderline, but I've never fed them. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Thanks... I'm really bummed... I still haven't done anything with his body. The ground is frozen so I can't bury him, but it'd feel like a disgrace to just throw this magnificent creature in the trash.

The 15 inch koi pulled through. It was very touch and go for a while. Around 8 p.m. last night, he stopped breathing completely. I quickly grabbed him and continuously forced water through his mouth and gills in a quick attempt to save him. It worked. Breathing after that was erratic, then it became gasping, then just a slight struggle. He slowly pulled through. Now he's acting normal.

I think the nitrates may have caused this... Perhaps with the stress of a slowed metabolism, they couldn't handle the higher nitrates. I believe they were around 60 - 70 ppm. During the move, I changed 50% of their water which lowered the nitrates to 30 ppm. I should have been testing the water more often...
All ich is gone, but Pleco is still acting weird! It seems he is trying to get to air, but the only way is through the filter since our tank has a enclosed top. So this morning, I heard rocks shifting, and i just see Plecos tail at the surface! So he was in the filter, he got out when I started to open the filter.


Strange. How big is the tank? Do you have an adequate air pump with an air stone? How often do you feed him? and what do you feed him?
I have had tanks on and off for a very long time. Been "off" for about two years....well, got the ten gallon out and bought a heater today! The tank has been running for about two weeks-so getting fish tomorrow hopefully! I'm thinking some danios and mollies. I love those. Maybe a female betta. Anyways, just thought I'd share!
This just isn't my week... I unplugged the air pump in the 70 gallon 'hospital' tank to add a stronger one and forgot to come back. 5 hours later I found 2 koi in respiratory distress and realized my mistake. Currently they are upside down and gasping.

I quickly added 3 air pumps and treated the tank with methylene blue. Of course, now I've destroyed the biological filtration....

Lets just hope these 2 koi recover...

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