Five POL Pullets in Central NC -- at least 2 are Now Laying!

Ah man! I was about to comment about the Cochins. I guess this is life telling me that I really don't need any more birds. I just lost one of my Bantam Cochin Roosters and of course he was my favorite. Seems like every time I've tried to add Cochins, they end up being roosters. I do have a Cochin cross hen. I forgot about her. Your birds are gorgeous! I admire you for being strong enough to part with the birds that are better suited for another flock 💕

These were large-fowl Cochins, not bantams.

We deliberately bought more than we needed with the intent to choose our favorites and sell the rest.

The Cochins are my son's and he got the money for them -- having kept his favorite.

Lovely, docile birds. So friendly underfoot that I occasionally stepped on their foot feathers. 🤣
Pays not to assume anything! I only saw the feathered legs after you pointed it out!

The extremely sparse feathering on her legs was one of the reasons I sold her rather than one of the other 2.

I know that light leg feathering is the breed standard, but I like enough leg feathers to look really feathered.

It will be funny if it turns out that she was the one laying those pretty eggs I posted about the other day, but if so then it's the buyer's win and my loss. 😁 😁 😁

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