Flea Market Encounter with Chick Seller-ARGH!!

Thats's the problem with people like this - I call them "Good Ol' Boys." They know everything and can't be told anything. If its been done, they've done it better and can tell you more about it. The jerks.

We, unfortunatly have a bumper crop of them here in rural Pennsylvania.
My neighboring property is a large cattle farm, and when he came over looking for a lost bull, I was unloading 50 pound bags of scratch, crumble and cracked corn into the back of the tractor from the car. He's a good ol' boy and informed me I was "wastin' ya' money. Them birds need corn, and nuthin' else."

Most likely, if your good ol' boy was reported, he'd just find another place to hock his chicks.

I, too am suprized you didn't take him up on his rare, from England chicks. That's quite a rare find at a FLEA MARKET.

We, unfortunatly have a bumper crop of them here in rural Pennsylvania

We have that same bumper crop here. Too bad they ain't worth nothin' at market, LOL. Sorry, but I have a right to say that. Got a family full of 'em, on both sides.

We were only at the flea market to find something suitable to make another homemade hatcher with. (found a 48 qt cooler for $5 in good shape) Another guy had maybe six OEGBs in a small cage with no food and water in rusty edged tin cans that I'm not sure they could get their heads into with the combs even drink out of, poor things. You won't ever find me buying chickens from these 'good ol' boys'. They don't give a flying fig about those birds, only the measly few bucks they'll bring in. Wonder what they'd have thought if I asked them about what diseases have run through their flocks. Probably would have told me either that chickens dont get diseases or that ALL chickens have diseases. Whatever they'd have said, I'd bet money it'd be wrong. Anyway, how could I know anything about chickens? I'm a walking estrogen factory.
Next time, I'll trump their 25 years with my 40+ years of experience with chickens. (somewhere there are pics of my sister and me as younguns with banty hens on our shoulders, LOL)​
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Too bad they ain't worth nothin' at market, LOL. Sorry, but I have a right to say that. Got a family full of 'em, on both sides.

LOL, my husband's family is full of them. My family is mostly from across the pond. We had problems last year with a family reunion we were daft enough to hold here at our place.

I was a bit offended with the whole lot of uncles I found smoking marijuana in the deer stand, and told them they weren't allowed to do that on my property. I was informed that in PA, husbands hold the deed, so I had no say of what happened on "his" property.

We will not have another redneck reunion here, LOL.
I am really surprised you did not go home grab that big ole blue roo of yours and march right back down there and show him what a real Blue Orp looks like LOL

some people

I had a picture of Suede in my purse, but those types just look at things through Good 'ol Boy Glasses and it would have been lost on him. Didn't want to degrade Suede that way.
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