Flea Market Encounter with Chick Seller-ARGH!!

What? Doesn't everyone keep pics of their kids with them?
Odd? No! I find it deliciously delightful! I hope my blue boy turns out to be as pretty as Suede. I might even be tempted to carry his photo around too. LOL
LOL, my husband's family is full of them. My family is mostly from across the pond. We had problems last year with a family reunion we were daft enough to hold here at our place.

I was a bit offended with the whole lot of uncles I found smoking marijuana in the deer stand, and told them they weren't allowed to do that on my property. I was informed that in PA, husbands hold the deed, so I had no say of what happened on "his" property.

We will not have another redneck reunion here, LOL.

I hate to inform him that is isnt the 18 century, the deed is just as much yours as his if your name is on it.

As for the flea market, how about another approach. It may be too late this year but what about next year, if people know how these chicks are raised and how they are treated even just at the market maybe they wouldnt buy. If nobodys buying, nobodys selling.
Wish I could stop them. Most of these chicks and rabbits will end up abused and dead in a week. And all because some not too bright parent couldnt resist getting a little fertility symbol for their brat to abandon when the novelty wore off. (I know, I know, they're not all that stupid) Sorry, don't even get me started on that one!
It just happened to be this weekend, but it didn't even have to be this time of year for this local yokel to be spreading his lies and misinformation. He's just as dumb and distasteful the rest of the year, too, you can bet on it. Yep, raised chickens for 25 years and still didnt learn anything.
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Yeah I love my stepdad to pieces but he is a self proclaimed "good ol' boy" and I still can't convince him pit bulls don't have locking jaws and the only thing that feedign them gunpowder would do it make them cranky from the ulcers they'd get.

Sometimes no matter what you say it just doens't get thru
I resuedd a dog like that 90n degrees and the poor thing had no water, was so dry It couldn't drink I had to force his mouth open to get a drop if water in.

Thise people whould be shot......

speckledhen...there was nothing you could do they were probably sick anyway and to bring them home would infect your whole flock. It is so sad people like that exist..

Try to forget it no sence in ruining your whole holiday.

poor babies I feel so bad for them.

Maybe he won't sell many and lose all that dough

England yeah right!
When I was an Animal Control Officer way back in 86 I authored the County ordinance that is still enforced to this day just because of people like this "good ol' boy".

In Douglas County GA. it is against the law to buy, sell, trade or give away ANY living animal or eggs from any animal at any flea market.

I know its only one drop of water in an ocean, but at least I can say we don't have that problem in my County.

I was waiting for Cyn to tell us that she whipped out a pic of suede, just KNOWING she would be carrying one!
I was waiting for Cyn to tell us that she whipped out a pic of suede, just KNOWING she would be carrying one!

I'm afraid Lee knows me too well, LOL! I like that law in Douglas County, Lee. I see puppies in grocery store parking lots all the time and all types of animals in the flea markets sold by dimwits like this guy. I came home and sat with one of my girls on my lap (she came looking for me on part of my property that she'd never been on and came all by herself, too, to find her mom) and thought about how loved and cared for they are and it made me all the more angry that many of these little ones I saw this morning will have a short, tortured life. This was actually in a flea market in Murphy, NC, near me.​
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