Fleas are eating my kitten alive..please help

Fleas have a cycle, they jump on to a pet to feed on blood and poo that black dirt (dried digested blood), then they use that blood to feed the eggs inside of them, they lay the eggs (up to 50 a day) on the animal, the pet scratches and disperses the eggs all over the place into carpet, bedding, soil etc . In a few days they hatch into larvae (tiny long little worms) that crawl around the house and in the bedding, feeding on dander (shedded skin and hair from pets), then they pupae and then hatch into small fleas that jump back onto the pet to feed and the cycle starts again.😳

Whatever product you decide on using please also buy a plastic lice and knit comb and comb (from the chemist) or metal flea comb from pet shop to help manually remove fleas. Then use a topical product, Vacuum daily if possible, to remove fleas and eggs from environment. Change pets bedding often. I have a dog that use to suffer from fleas, I first washed her in any puppy or kitten shampoo which kill the fleas on the pet. Really work in the lather and rinse. Change pets bedding and vacuum. Once pet has dried, Use lice, knit or flea comb to remove any remaining fleas on pet, Treat with topical or oral medication (your choice). Choose a product with an insect growth regulator that way any remaining fleas that hatch in the environment that feed on your pet will only produce sterile eggs so the cycle stops. Comb every day until you find no more fleas, Vacuum at least 2-3 times a week or daily if your able and changing bedding weekly or more. Eventually no more fleas. In winter there should not be any fleas and at the end of winter or start of spring start with topicals or treatments to prevent cycle starting again. Also fleas carry tape worm so please worm your cat about a week after the treatment for fleas.

Hope that helps. :thumbsup
Lemon Joy also will kill fleas, have used it many times to bathe them in a pinch. She may actually have a flea allergy which will cause inflammation and skin problems even if they get bit just once. I had one that would just get horrible skin, sores, smelled awful. You may have to use a regular flea treatment or keep her indoors if that's the case. I had a kitten that I used Revolution on, it's a once a month drop you put on the neck, I think it can be used from 8 weeks old. It worked great. I think currently it cost around $20 a month, which is less than having a lot of vet visits. It does require a prescription.
My mom had a cat who had flea allergies. Just one flea and he'd blister like he was burnt..

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