Fluffed up lethargic hen is suddenly back to normal?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
Yesterday our 2 1/2 year old Plymouth Barred hen sat on a roost all day and evening. She was fluffed up, lethargic, her head tucked back in her feathers. She would not come eat or even move off the roost. She has always been our puppy dog hen - coming to her name, active, very sociable. Right before dusk I noticed her eyes looked blank and glazed over as well. I could find no injuries and her vent was clean. I worried all night that she would be gone in the morning. This morning I was shocked, but very very happy to see her walking around like normal. She is free ranging with the others right now scratching and roaming like nothing is or was ever wrong. I'm totally baffled over this. Any ideas?
Thank is what I thought after an internet search. However, she is 2 1/2 and never brooded before. However, we have a new rooster who is 9 months. Maybe he has something our late rooster didn't have! I know I can have eggs without a rooster - but, I think you need a rooster to produce chicks. We've only been raising chickens for 2 1/2 years and are still newbies!!

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