~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

Mystic was startled by the sudden welcome and looked down at the switch in her hands, quickly checking the cartridge and hoorahing internally as she saw it was breath of the wild. She peeked behind the man and looked at him with worry "do you need help with the kiddos? Im good with children if you want any help."
(What an amazing game)
Amer claimed square footage on a couple of feed bags. “Animal feed is surprisingly comfortable,” she said, unpeeling Shiloh from where he was enthusiastically biting a cat food bag.
She used Shiloh as a pillow and sank into the luxurious softness. Shiloh submitted easily, knowing being a pillow was one of his greatest purposes in his purpose-filled life. Amer booped him on the nose, activating the massage pillow function.
Then she lay back and pulled out her Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy book, peeking over at Roo during a particularly sappy Fitzphie moment.
Apparently Roo’s pillow was malfunctioning.
(FitzSimmons!!! Oh. Wrong fandom XD)
Gail tapped her feet as people started bedding down. She had too much sugar in her to consider sleep, but she lay down anyways and unlocked her phone, deciding to attempt to fake her death on social media.
"Eh oh hard can it be?" Bri shrugged. "I can do it. Probably. I can sail a sailboat, which is much more difficult, in my opinion."
"I've driven a boat before!" River said proudly, probably too much so.
Name: Van
Appearance: Nearly, almost, excruciatingly close to 5'10, with dark blue eyes and middle-of-the-back length hair that's only red enough to be considered auburn when it's in the sunlight. Pineapple tank under a burgundy sweatshirt, jeans that are just a little bit too short and I will wear my three inch heeled boots, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable they may be for whatever shenanigans we get ourselves into.
Personality: People tend to say I'm sarcastic. Honestly, I'll just portray myself as the story goes on because that's what I do with every single other flipping character I've ever tried to write.
Packing list:
-A nice and sturdy metal blue yoyo with replacement strings
-And a computer
are all stashed in a super stylin' black and pink backpack.
Other: Wanted for the theft of various Starbucks products, which then resulted in the absolute destruction of a few minimum wage baristas.
Username: @van_the_illa

my friends peer pressured me into this, i did my best okay
Will add to character page)
Bri pulled out her mop and individually bopped each person on the head and told them to claim square footage of the warehouse for the night.
"Hey! Assault, no boop. Also, I can sleep in any square foot I like." River said with a feisty tone, playfully throwing up a fighting pose.
Boy yeets the chidders out the door.
Mystic headpats them all and yeets over to the warehouse
(What an amazing game)

(FitzSimmons!!! Oh. Wrong fandom XD)
Gail tapped her feet as people started bedding down. She had too much sugar in her to consider sleep, but she lay down anyways and unlocked her phone, deciding to attempt to fake her death on social media.
Sary grimaced. Spelling out the disaster she'd conceived was even worse. "You know...what AHAM was based off of..."
“Oh...” Amer whispered out loud what the acronym would have been. “The Forgotten Dogs...” TFD.
Amer bounced on her toes. “No, I meant the book you’re reading, from Keeper of the Lost Cities.
But actually, it would be interesting to read that book you wrote.”
“Oh...” Amer whispered out loud what the acronym would have been. “The Forgotten Dogs...” TFD.
Amer bounced on her toes. “No, I meant the book you’re reading, from Keeper of the Lost Cities.
But actually, it would be interesting to read that book you wrote.”
"Oh, phew." Sary let out a gusty sigh of relief. Even having the entire synopsis of Legacy forced down her throat for her would've been better than TFD discussion. "And, no, no it would not be."
"Oh, phew." Sary let out a gusty sigh of relief. Even having the entire synopsis of Legacy forced down her throat for her would've been better than TFD discussion. "And, no, no it would not be."
“So you’re currently on Neverseen? How far are you?” Amer danced on her toes, displaying her complete lack of grace and coordination. “I’m doing this to you because this is what my best friend did to me, and therefore, I am forcing a book-club on you. I’ll have to tell her about our new member.”

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