~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

fluff's head whipped at 40 kilometers per hour to look river in the eyes.
"your kidney, hand it over"
River smiled sadistically. "Don't need it no more anyways."
So she proceeded to reach under her shirt, open up a door on her stomach, taking out her kidney, and close the door. "Consume it with honor, O Good Fluff, and you shall be proven."
Lucy’s eyebrows raised as she witnessed two people levitating high. “Um...ok then” she said trying to brush off the VERY weird circumstances
"Hey! Do you like kidneys?"
River smiled sadistically. "Don't need it no more anyways."
So she proceeded to reach under her shirt, open up a door on her stomach, taking out her kidney, and close the door. "Consume it with honor, O Good Fluff, and you shall be proven."

"Hey! Do you like kidneys?"
Lucy blinked at her
River smiled sadistically. "Don't need it no more anyways."
So she proceeded to reach under her shirt, open up a door on her stomach, taking out her kidney, and close the door. "Consume it with honor, O Good Fluff, and you shall be proven."

"Hey! Do you like kidneys?"
fluff took the kidney with gratitude, swallowing it whole and 3-d printing 30 more copies of it to glue to the ceiling. she anticipated them to come down like rainfall on a cool november evening.
Lucy blinked at her
River's burning stare intensified. "Well, do you?"
fluff took the kidney with gratitude, swallowing it whole and 3-d printing 30 more copies of it to glue to the ceiling. she anticipated them to come down like rainfall on a cool november evening.
Tears welled in River's eyes as she nodded at Fluff. "You honor me, O Good Fluff, starter of poke wars. You have grandly risen in the ranks of those I respect and trust."
“You obviously have a thing or two to learn about spoofs,” Shiloh meowed.
fluff went absolutely feral. a talking cat??? that concept is absolutely WILD. fluff scraped kidneys off the ceiling in a spurt of impatience and fear fueled by shiloh. rain needed to come. the crops needed to be watered. the peoples of the warehouse. her friends. they were the crops and they needed this.
River's burning stare intensified. "Well, do you?"

Tears welled in River's eyes as she nodded at Fluff. "You honor me, O Good Fluff, starter of poke wars. You have grandly risen in the ranks of those I respect and trust."
43 more kidneys appeared at inconsistent intervals. fluff tipped her apple orchard hat to river.

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