for all the horse riders


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
Today I invited my cousin to watch me ride because she likes to help me groom the horse when I'm finished. So during my lesson there was this one jump that my horse jut did not want to go over and kept refusing it over and over. So when I got done she kept telling me what I did wrong and how easy horse riding was soo easy.
and the only time she every rode was on a girl scout trail ride and she was just walking!
People tell me this all the time and not a single one of them has ridden! It's really getting on my nerves and theres really no way to prove to them unless they actually start riding!

sorry for the useless rant I just need to vent
No worries... Let it roll off like water on a Duck's back.. that is thier way of saying they are jealous.

It's just a hack in the park Goose!!!
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I know i shouldent let it get to me I guess she was getting on my nerves before that too
Their really missing out on something though

Not your department.. If they miss out... they miss out... Why expend your energy on those who would squander it... If you were close you could ride with me.. !!! those are my kids.. Lots of kids come out and ride with me... and each other.. Find a group that appreciates you and leave the world to the "no counts"... and just enjoy the ride... that is what it is all about!!! the partnership with the one under ya!!!!
If you trust your horse with the complainers, tell them to hop on and take a few laps around the arena.
Even a decent number of horse people are disdainful of distance riding. "Just, like, what, trail ride REALLY fast?"

"Yah, you try posting for 25 miles and then walk afterward."
I have had people tell me that as well and I try to let roll off of my back. Riding is defineately not easy because I have ridden Hunter/jumper and western pleasure and I also trail ride.
Most people don't understand much about horses and riding, so after a while, you get so you ignore this stuff. I find being my own groom helps, too

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