Found one of our babies--who survived an attack this past Sat

Stop it or you'll have us all bawling!!!

And yes, she certainly needs some companions! Chickens are flock animals--maybe Craigslist?

I'd suspect feral or plain loose dogs. I don't think a chick would have gotten away from a hungry animal--dogs often kill for "fun."

My chickens love to roam the yard, but I'm always worried that a dog will come around. We just can't fence all our acres--not even a good-sized portion of them. I'm planning on fencing as much as I can though.
Ohhhh...that's so sad!
I have seen some others on this forum talk about putting a stuffed animal in with a young chick who's had to be in isolation. Apparently they'll take to it. I don't know if your "baby" is too old for this, but it might be worth a try until you can get her some company! I feel so sorry for her!
It's been rough. Those girls meant a great deal to us. I am glad I found Tesla today before some animal got a free meal out of her in the weakened state that she was under that structure. At least she got a good death, unlike her sisters....
I am hoping next week we can get some started pullets for Sweet Pea to have as companions. She is happynwhen we are there with her, but I can only imagine being what being left in solitary confinement feels like for her.

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