Found this little guy on the side of highway :(

Was traveling to a dr appt and spotted this little guy/girl on the side of the highway sleeping of course I stopped on the way back home, it was like it was meant to be. It came right up to me with some talking and food to him.

I had a mallard Duck 10 years ago so I have some experience with ducks, but not sure what kind this one is & if it’s even a female or male?

I immediately took it home put in the back yard with my 5 chickens and seems to be doing alright gave it some food and got my dogs pool out and filled it up with some water.

thanks guys ❤️
Blessings on you for stopping and intervening!!! The world needs more kind, compassionate people like you!!!
I know lol

This is precious. Looks like it found its forever home.
Yeah I’m in western Pennsylvania and just by your picture of sunlight makes me jealous haha! I have pet ducks, but I’ve never seen a pet goose before. So pretty and he/she seems so happy that you found them. Warms my cold heart lol

thank you, I had a mallard Duck about 10 years ago she was my baby! This will be my first goose.

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