Four Week Old Silkie can't lift head all of a sudden


11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
Santa Rosa, California
This morning when I went out to check on the chickens, one of my newest hatchlings (5 silkies), four weeks old today, was with the other four, near the door of the coop. When I moved towards them, the other four moved away quickly, but this particular one drooped his/her head (sort of twisted around and down), and seemed to go into reverse.

I'll start a search, but if anyone has any input while I'm looking, I'd appreciate it.

He/she's in a cardboard box on the footstool in front of me as I look for information.


Sounds like wry neck--it's very common in silkies, especially young chicks. You have to seperate her, so she doesn't get trampled on by others. You have to buy the Polyvisol drops by Enfamil. You can get these at Walmart in the vitamin section. Hold her head upright and tilt her head back a little, pull the beak open and let about half to a full dropperful dripo down her throat. Try to hold her beak open until she swallows it as she'll try to spit it out(taste gross). Mine always make an almost throwing up sound after I give them it cause they hate the taste. I do this 2x a day. The wryneck will last for about a week to two weeks before she's back up and looking normal. You can always put one friend in with her to keep her company but no more than one as they can get trampled on. Their heads often go upside down and they'll flip over. I've seen all kinds of severities of this. It has to do with a lack of vitamin D(I believe). Believe me, it looks horrible, but can easily be fixed with the polyvisol vitamins. Just make sure you continue giving it to them and even a few days after recovery. I also make a mash out of her food and feed them medicated mash, so they don't get pneumonia or anything. I always worry that since their flipped over something could drain into their lungs. I have had about 6 silkies that this has happened to and ALL have come out of it...just a vitamin deficiency.
Good luck!
M@M@2four :

Sounds like wry neck--it's very common in silkies, especially young chicks. You have to seperate her, so she doesn't get trampled on by others. You have to buy the Polyvisol drops by Enfamil. You can get these at Walmart in the vitamin section. Hold her head upright and tilt her head back a little, pull the beak open and let about half to a full dropperful dripo down her throat. Try to hold her beak open until she swallows it as she'll try to spit it out(taste gross). Mine always make an almost throwing up sound after I give them it cause they hate the taste. I do this 2x a day. The wryneck will last for about a week to two weeks before she's back up and looking normal. You can always put one friend in with her to keep her company but no more than one as they can get trampled on. Their heads often go upside down and they'll flip over. I've seen all kinds of severities of this. It has to do with a lack of vitamin D(I believe). Believe me, it looks horrible, but can easily be fixed with the polyvisol vitamins. Just make sure you continue giving it to them and even a few days after recovery. I also make a mash out of her food and feed them medicated mash, so they don't get pneumonia or anything. I always worry that since their flipped over something could drain into their lungs. I have had about 6 silkies that this has happened to and ALL have come out of it...just a vitamin deficiency.
Good luck!

Thank you Thank you.
I'm out the door on my way to Wal-Mart.
I've got him/her in the indoor brooder (bottom of the shower stall in the guest room). I forced some water down her/his throat, and he/she seemed to perk up a bit.
I'll start the PolyViSol immediately.....shoulda had it on hand....Aargh....

Off I go. Thanks for letting me know what it is and what to do about it. I am soooooo dependent on this forum for guidance.

I was just wondering if yur silkies ever seemed bobble headed at first before this happened??
can you give then the polyvisol mixed in food or water or do you have to force it down??

ercky&perky :

I was just wondering if yur silkies ever seemed bobble headed at first before this happened??
can you give then the polyvisol mixed in food or water or do you have to force it down??


You could give it to them in their water or food, but I like to just squirt it directly down their throat so I know for sure they got it!
It's just something with silkies that unfortunately happens every now and then. I do give an extra squirt in their water dish and it never hurts. I have found the faster I start the vitamins, the faster they recover.
My little kid is looking better already.
Even after just water, which makes me think that the Wry Neck condition had made it impossible to drink, which led to dehydration....

Now re-hydrated and with Poly Vi Sol, we are looking forward to a prompt and full recovery.


Thank you Thank you.
I'm out the door on my way to Wal-Mart.
I've got him/her in the indoor brooder (bottom of the shower stall in the guest room). I forced some water down her/his throat, and he/she seemed to perk up a bit.
I'll start the PolyViSol immediately.....shoulda had it on hand....Aargh....

Off I go. Thanks for letting me know what it is and what to do about it. I am soooooo dependent on this forum for guidance.


Susan, no problem! Please don't hesitate to ask questions! I always come here for help! Thank the Lord for my, "chicken people!!!"
Oh, it will seem like for a good couple days or up to a week that your chick is still twisting it's neck or going upside down--this is totally normal. You may even come in to check on her and he/she will be on it's back(that's okay) I just prop them back up in the corner standing upright...just want to prepare you for what may/could happen. The shower is a great place! I've done that many of times for sick or injured chickens!
Like I said, you may want to put a calm chick in there with her as it'll help keep her warm at night, unless you have some sort of heat source in there. Any other questions, holler!
I went out to check on the chickens tonight and my silkie hen was doign this same thing. Ive got her inside in a sepearte cage, and hope to beable to get some polyvisol as soon as i can , which probably wont be till tomorow sometime. Do you think she will be ok till then?
Be careful when you force feed your birds water. Push the water through their beak from side to side, not down thier throats. You could mistakenly get water down their lungs and if they aspirate they will die very quickly. Its ok to waste your vitamines, minerals and anitbiotics, just do not waste the bird.
Can you tell me how this chick manages to eat for a week in this condition. Also I have Poultry Drench which says it has Vit D in it will that work as well as the PolyVisol? I also have a Silkie Chick that I just found with this condition.

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