Freaking out? where are my chicks?

so i have 6 hatched by now and 2 eggs have signs of hatching.. :) hope that the hatching is complete till the 23rd day!!
I have another Brinsea MINI 2 incubator with 6 eggs and i started that on the 24th of November.
Do you have a coop to move these birds too?

actually i live in Pakistan
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It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
I removed the shell because I saw some reddish brown discoloration. Couldnt see the beak anywhere, the chick kept struggling like this after i carefully removed the shell... when i came to see after 15 minutes to see if the chick was out, it had died... it was still, no movement. i am so upset.

Also, another chick died maybe because there was over-crowding.... and its beak was open and seemed to have drowned in the water... through there was a protection there too... i dont know what went wrong.. All you friends were helping me in guiding through the whole process... dont know what happened with this particular chick?
I'm so sorry :( Have you removed the others from the incubator?

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