Free choice or not

Organic poison? It poisons rats with calcium leached from their bones. It claims that if a poisoned animal was eaten it would have a low incidence of poisoning the eater. HOWEVER it warns to not let pets and livestock (code words for "animals you don't want to poison") eat the poison pellets. Imagine the results of a chicken eating poison that leaches calcium from their bodies.
IN great quantities anything can be poison. Even Dihydrogen monoxide...

If you will remember I also mentioned that there were others out there. Some are used in India which is where the original was developed. I happened to pick that site because it was the first on the list...

I personally dont trap or poison out side. but I do poison within the house. With the same stuff that was developed in India. Its corn based and I cant remember the name of it Or I would have posted that.

I have lived in a house with rats.... and had to resort to Warfarin which is in One Bite.... Which causes the rats to hemorage.... Originally the the poison had the same stuff that Cardiac patients take to keep blood clots from killing them.

I had rats dying in the ceilings and in the walls. Living with decomp was an ordeal... But If you read the list of diseases that rats and mice potentially carry I could deal with it.

So Yeah... any thing to do with poison or potential harm... you keep away from pets and children... Err on the side of caution.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but what about getting a barn cat? My grandfather actually used ‘king’ his volunteer black king snake to take care of his mouse problem. King never bothered the chickies.

just brainstorming!
Love it.... Though King snakes are kind of iffy. But once you get the overwhelming population down they are awesome because they can go down into nests and nab the babies.... But once they eat their fill they rest for a couple of weeks.

Cats too. You have to have a mouser... One whos momma taught them how to hunt.

My best mouser was my Aussie cross dog. When I found the rat dens in the front planter She saw one dive into its hole and she was on it... Not only did she kill every single rat in the den.... She also moved over a yard of dirt to do it. Shed shake untill it was dead spit it out and go for another. When It was all done there were ten adults dead and five pinkie nests exposed with ten babies each....

Terriers have the best prey drive but not a good mix with chickens unless trained well. My Aussie cross was so willing to please she would spit it out on command. or leave it on command.

I'd have a problem with the longevity of the tote, unless it's UV protected and with the right ♻️ plastics symbol,
They don't last more than a year in the elements before popping a hole.

I'd consider something else for that reason alone.

You can reuse them
Are they easy to empty and reset?

I'd have a problem with the longevity of the tote, unless it's UV protected and with the right ♻️ plastics symbol,
They don't last more than a year in the elements before popping a hole.

I'd consider something else for that reason alone.

....and some 'totes' I've tried to cut do not cut cleanly but shatter.

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