Free Egg Incubation Software, New Release.

@wolfwalker it would help me tremendously if you could get me some data from the database. HatchKeeper uses a built-in SQLite db engine. However you can read all the data in the HatchKeeper.db file by installing SqliteBrowser and opening C:\Program Files(86)\HatchKeeper_0_75\.HatchKeeper_Data-75\HatchKeeper.db

In the Browse Data tab you can see all the data for your batches, if you could post the data from 4 columns BatchSDate, BatchCDate, BatchTDate, and BatchHDate. If you can get these in view and post a picture that would be great.

It's obvious that I need to add logging to a file capabilities to make it easier to debug problems.

Thanks again
@wolfwalker it would help me tremendously if you could get me some data from the database. HatchKeeper uses a built-in SQLite db engine. However you can read all the data in the HatchKeeper.db file by installing SqliteBrowser and opening C:\Program Files(86)\HatchKeeper_0_75\.HatchKeeper_Data-75\HatchKeeper.db

In the Browse Data tab you can see all the data for your batches, if you could post the data from 4 columns BatchSDate, BatchCDate, BatchTDate, and BatchHDate. If you can get these in view and post a picture that would be great.

It's obvious that I need to add logging to a file capabilities to make it easier to debug problems.

Thanks again

Here it is. I created the hatch file on 11/13 if that helps. it is line 6
Thank you very much. Apparently a batch got created without dates. I've never seen that before, however to delete that batch: All the way to the left of the table you sent a picture of, there is row numbers for every entry, right-click on 6 and delete it. Then click Write Changes At the top to save the database.

If you could then re-add this batch and try to reproduce this problem that would be great.

I'll definitely keep my eyes open for this bug, and I'll see about adding failsafe functions to the next release.

Thanks for your help.
Hello Everybody, spring might finally be here!

I recently released version 0.70.0 of HatchKeeper, The Free Open-Source Egg Incubation Software.

Some new/updated features worth mentioning:

You can now add a breed to your batch. I made it easy to add and remove types and breeds right from the settings in HatchKeeper.

If you get tired of the default colors, you can now change the color of most components of HatchKeeper(restart required to take affect).

I removed the update and edit dialogs and replaced them with one “Batch Statistics Panel” right in the main window. Hopefully this makes HatchKeeper more user-friendly.

Probably my favorite addition is the Printable Calendar feature. It is very simple, but if you have a printer connected to your pc, you can print a calendar with all the batch dates for any month. I find it useful since my computer is not close to my incubator.

There are many more updates, but those are the biggest changes. Please read the manual to see what HatchKeeper is capable of doing.

The SourceForge page where we host the HatchKeeper downloads is rather difficult to navigate, so I started maintaining a simple website to make it easier to download and find more info. You can download HatchKeeper from or from the SourceForge page

If anybody is using v0.60 and wants to upgrade, please read the manual’s Installation section for information on completely uninstalling HatchKeeper. Although both versions can coexist with no problems.

I hope somebody finds this software useful. If you have problems, questions, feedback or you’d like to see a feature added, please contact me in either this thread or with the information found on the website.

Happy Hatching!


P.S. I’ll post some screenshots when I find some time.
sorry, I was tired when I asked that. under the daily feeding tab, it is defaulted to kgs as quantity of feed. I could have sworn there was a way to change that to read pounds. Either that or I ignored it was kgs on my last tablet and just inputted pounds.

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