Free lone serama chick, day old. Yellow fuzzy cutie! Needs pals in GA


Poultry Princess
12 Years
Jul 16, 2008
North-West Georgia
He is the only baby to hatch out of a batch of eggs I incubated. He needs to go somewhere so he has buddies more his size. If anyone has bantam day olds and wants this adorable little guy, he's free to a good home.
OH! I have a buff laced something or other lonely-only chick, Peeps, and I got s/he a few broodermates that were his/her age (7 weeks) and s/he is TERRIFIED of other chicks! I have some eggs in the bator right now and I am hoping that if I put newborn chicks in, that s/he will be ok with them. It is a sad thought to have a chicken that is afraid of chickens. S/he is super friendly (spoiled rotten) and rides around the house on my head or on my son's shoulder. Totally unafraid of the cats or the terrierist, but if I walk anywhere near the kennel on the diningroom table where I have Jersey Blue Giant chicks, Peeps goes insane.

I'm in WI... I'm assuming it is too cold to ship only 1 chick right now?

Are you sure he is a he? I have some serama eggs in my bator now but they wont hatch for another couple weeks. If you can't find it a home and don't mind it being by itself for awhile, I'll drive up and meet ya somewhere. Unless you really think its a he and I'll have to pass.
Thats a nice looking little chick but, I think he may be to small to ship.It might be to cold for him.Usually I keep my chicks in the brooder at 90-95 degree for a couple of weeks.
i had to sell a lot of my seramas due to my knee injury but i still have a nice trio that this chick could go with as it gets older...what part of georgia are you in???
I would take the baby because we are so close but I'm afraid that my three week olds would be mean to the chick. Hopefully you will find someone. If you get desperate let me know because you know I have the time to give to a lone baby so it wouldn't feel all alone.
untill you find him/her some friends put a small something (cotton balls,pom-poms) in with him. It will keep him company. It works to had a silkie cross hatch under a hen last Jan and she kicked him out. was the only one to hatch. keeped her in the house with a small stuffed chick now shes my DD best chicken friend. she thinks shes a person rides on my DD head. LOL

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