Freecycle ad just rubbing me wrong.

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And again, just because you don't hit your kids doesn't mean your children are out of control monsters and it doesn't mean you're killing them with kindness or new age touchy feely people. I have kids with a variety of special needs and cognitive and behavioral issues and I can take them anywhere where they will behave, be quiet and stay with me. Seems to me that for everyone who gets prickly about thinking that people are saying all spanking are abuse (which I am NOT) there's also some pretty big assumptions about those of us who don't spank.

My thoughts exactly , its not ok aperntly to say spanking is bad but it seems ok to lump anyone that doesnt spank into some they must be weak and have horrid children catagory. To eatch there own . I just wish parents would spend as much time on there kids as we spend on debates with other parents
I feel that kids need to be spanked if necessary but if other methods work on your child by all means do what works,
But some kids need a spanking,
Thats my opinion.
I give my kids one warning then its time out if they dont want to sit in time out I bend them over pull down their pants and POP them. Dont bruise or mark em up...just a nice little pop on the fanny.

They learn quick to sit in time out cause these come few and far between.
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My brother and I grew up with the "fly flopper" as we called it. It was necessary. However, one of our greatest joys was getting a piggyback up to the top of the frig, grabbing it, and throwing it under the stairs in the basement.

Many years later, I was organizing kids for a horse show when a parent asked me to talk to her daughter about just taking the spanking, rather than forfeit the horse show. The girl was 13 years old and had mouthed off to her brother. She was in puberty, I can't imagine me talking her into taking an over the knee, bare butt spanking so she could go to the horse show. I, bravely, told the mother I thought she was too old for a spanking and all teenage girls mouth off.

What I see as a problem is teaching older kids you can definitely reason with, or use other options, that violence is how you solve problems. I think it encourages kids to become bullys.

that said, i don't have kids....
Once again, don't have kids, just ran lots of camps and things involving other peoples kids.

I really think 7 maybe 8 should be the cut off. By then they have enough outside interests, usually ,that they can be denied if they act obnoxious. Isn't that really what life is all about? You have to follow the rules or your life will be less than it could have been.

You have to at least finish high school
you have to be respectful to others or you will get a crappy job, have poor relationships with others,

Most of "my parents" made "no riding lessons!" the punishment for a poor grade etc...
My father spanked me 1 time. I threw a fit in K-mart just before Christmas because I wanted a toy. I rolled out in the floor screaming and crying. I was taken back to the car and spanked. My father cried afterwards. I realized then that I never wanted another spanking not because it hurt but because it hurt my father that much to have to do it.

As a teen I needed a beating but I never got it. I regret the things that I did but I can't take them back. I turned out to be a good person even though I didn't get a spanking as often as I should have.

Now I am a father and I have 2 sons. My oldest is 10 and my yougest is 5. My oldest has had very few spankings. I have poped his butt a few times but I can only remember 2 spankings in his lifetime.

Now lets get to the 5 year old. A pop to the butt does not even get his attntion. He has received a few spankings for talking back to his mother and grandmother, beating the walls in his room with a hammer, stomping his glasses because he was mad. It pretty much did nothing as far as corrective actions. So was stuck. He is a smart mouth to his mother. He throws fits to get his way. The only thing that I have found to work is make him sit in the "pouty chair" He has to sit with his feet in the floor and his hands in his lap for a set amount of time. If he talks or wiggles around he gets more time. The time does not start until he is sitting still and quiet. This has done the most good for him. He really hates sitting there. I have noticed a drastic improvement in his behavior since we started with it.

Now do I agree with spankings? Yes I do. Do I agree in beating them? Nope!!

If the schools calls and tells me that my kids need a spanking I will be right there to discuss the matter. If I feel they deserve it I will bust their butt or they can. Doesn't matter to me. But there better be a need for it. And I better agree before the spanking happens.

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