French black copper maran. Roo and hen?


In the Brooder
Jan 19, 2016
]Do I have a hen (one pic of her) and a roo(two pics of him)?


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Forgot to add that my little ones are about six weeks old. They were the only ones that hatched, so it would be nice if I have a breeding pair. Also, I tried to get a pic of the one I think is a rooster that showed his whole body, but he wasn't having that. lol
At 6 weeks that comb in the second and third photos screams cockerel. I would also be concerned at the pinkness of the comb on the bird in the first photo.... but the photo is so small it's hard to see it properly.... better photos of that one would make me more confident of assigning gender but the second one is definitely male.

Has a little bit of copper coloring on back of neck.

Still hoping one on left is hen. That one is more curious. One on right has to be rooster cause he sometimes bites and rushes your hand.

Girl or boy?
Do you have any pictures in natural lighting? Copper on the neck is normal for both genders, it's the dark red color on the shoulders that indicates male. The one with the big pink comb already is definitely a boy.
I would remain hopeful that the one is a girl.

Obviously one is a rooster....If you look at my BCM's below, you will see I had one very clear male, one very clear female, then one who developed such that it worried me but proved to be a fast maturing female...she too was coppery fast with even a mossy back (red on the back). Over colored BCM females often lay the darkest.

But yes, if the red comes in on the wing bows, that is a tell tale sign of rooster.

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