French frogs

I can record and send you some of my snoring, if it will help you!

Haha, that's a sweet offer. My pug dog also snores, just not quite as loudly!
Sorry for commenting on this so long after the fact, but I went to bed early last night, wiped out, and I'm playing catchup, AGAIN.

Regarding the "4 hour" thing, believe me when I tell you that if that ever happened to me, the LAST person I'd call would be the doctor; I'd go through my old "little black book" cover to cover before I did anything

that's a good ideal cept DW burned it . you can tell I'm back tracking , good Moring all you early birds and you as well Benny can't hang out impotent stuff to do this morning .WV
Folks I have a request. I never do this, but for some reason, this story really affected me.

My family will be making several hand made cards to send this little girl. It's amazing to me how such tragedy and adversity brings out such greatness in a little one. I know many of have maybe already sent out your Christmas cards but if you have spares, that is all this little girl is asking for.

I guess I could have started a new thread, but I know this one gets read allot.
Folks I have a request. I never do this, but for some reason, this story really affected me.

My family will be making several hand made cards to send this little girl. It's amazing to me how such tragedy and adversity brings out such greatness in a little one. I know many of have maybe already sent out your Christmas cards but if you have spares, that is all this little girl is asking for.

I guess I could have started a new thread, but I know this one gets read allot.

Yeah I saw this on Facebook. I cannot imagine anything much harder then loosing everything like that.
Yep, this weekend and next, lol... I now wish Lady Grey would stop laying... hard to resist setting her eggs...

Shipped are what they are... the tracking stopped for 3 days, I figured they were gonners then... we'll see if they develop... from same one Io came from...
I agree...
Sure is...

Oh, I got something to show you guys... am proud of this...

It's extremely hard to resist setting eggs from your own back yard...kinda impossible. :/

Thanks, I hope you do too.

There's an herbal supplement I take which helps, and I have a stash of Ambien if it goes on for too many nights.  Don't like the Ambien hangovers though.

I've been having trouble sleeping for about a month. I was going to accept a script for ambien from my dr. The week before my appt, I decided to try ear plugs (just because it seems like every little noise keeps me up, even the heat clicking on) and it worked like a charm!!! Plus I take melatonin.

Yeah I started with six ducklings on mothersday...impulse buy...but not without researching....instant hit...was good therapy for my very depressed wife too...I lost three to a neighbors dog...bought four more day old now I have seven khaki cambells...2 drakes five hens...some of the most fun I've ever had....add In two sweet little dogs...all this makes me miss the kids less....

The chickens worked for my depression too. Million times better then therapy.

Io and posse after bathtime...


Too cute!!

Okay....right now they are all free range...sort of...I let the three adults...two drakes one hen wander the world as they wish...of course I put them up at night.....I put the four younger hens in a fenced in they are separated. At night they are in separate pens....soon though when the snow is three to four feet high they won't be as free range as they might like.....I guess what I am asking is once the hens ,reach the right age will they be more "willing" to go along with the drake advances (for a lack of a better term). Sorry I really thought it would be a little easier getting them to mix together....if the dog hadn't killed three earlier I probably would be fine right now.

I was having this same issue with my young pullets. After about a month, they were ready and accepted the boys advances. Well just one specific cockerel, they like him and let him mate them. They still run from the other boys. Which worries me because I'm getting rid of that cockerel on the 13th. Do you think they will let the other 2, that are staying, mate them once he's gone??
I take Unisom when I cannot sleep (I realize it may not be strong enough for someone with true insomnia) It just seems to allow my brain to turn off so I can sleep. And even though I can easily wake, I can easily go back to sleep again (something that takes hours otherwise).

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