French Marans and Peachicks

Here's some updated pics of the Marans and Peafowl.

My two Marans roos - one has a lot more copper than the other. The Marans head out the gate each morning and are the last to return in the evening. They can be seen in the pasture at far side of property so they really are brave and love to wander.



Some pics of my peafowl taken this morning.

May wayward male who took off for two days. Guess he decided he had it pretty good here afterall and came home.


The Opal - male or female?


Some of the others.

Ruth looks like your opal is a hen, dont see any barring on the back.

The Blackshoulder is a spalding. The green in the neck show its a spalding.

The green peafowl the hen gets the color of the male, but not the train(tail).

Green and spalding with high % of green are harder to sex.
That, I'm not sure of - maybe Deerman will answer that. I'm new to peafowl but I don't think there are many, if any, females that get the long tail or beautiful coloring of the males.
For peafowl to be so "sensitive", it's funny that there's that town that was on the news the other day that is overrun with them. Did anyone see it? Anyway, I love the peach and white ones. I just hate to brood anything since it's starting to get cooler. I might have to order some for spring though. I have always wanted peafowl. Even BEFORE chickens.
No the hens dont get the long train. The pure Green hens do get the color of the males, just no train.

The greens can NOT take the cold, so up north they need heat in the winter.
Didnt see the news, but most of the india peafowl after the first 12 week are very hardy. The peahens make great mothers.

Peachicks that are 12 week old now will not need brooding. Very few peachick hatched this late. Most Peacock drop their train feathers by Aug. and are not fertile. Nature way so peachicks are old enough to make it thru the winter.
Found the link. Town spend 400.00 just to count the peafowl. 40 birds.
. Crazy the way towns can spend money. Have a peafowl round up and sell the birds.

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