fresh Naked Neck cross eggs / 18 eggs for $20.00 / ship TOMORROW / SC

Dipsy Doodle Doo

13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Aiken, South Carolina 29801
My Coop
My Coop
I've got 18 eggs (layed 14th, 15th, 16th) from my Naked Neck x Silkie cross pen ready to ship tomorrow morning.

$20.00 includes Priority Mail and Delivery Confirmation.

The hens are all dark skinned Naked Necks (blues and blacks).
The roos in the pen are a dark skinned black Naked Neck and a red-skinned frizzled blue/gold Naked Neck --- so there is the possibility of getting frizzled Naked Neck chicks.

Please let me know tonight if you are interested.

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Lisa
I just went out to check on the eggs and there are two babies hatched out so far and ones a NN and the other won't let me see it's neck yet. This is so cool I have my first NN/Silkie. I'll let you know how it all goes tonight with the rest. I can't wait to tell Carole I have a Showgirl. Thanks again for the Great Eggs. Dennis
Hello Carole and All
It was hard to not jump on these one's, If Karl did not they would be in the mail today to my house. So far there are 7 chicks hatched out and more are trying at this time.. 3 of them are showgirls and I have them on my web cam so all can see my new babies online. Enjoy and I'll let you know how the rest come out. Dennis
Oh how cute. One was standing in front of the cam just looking at it. It was funny, the girls were laughing at him/her. TOOO CUTE
Hello All

The hatch is done and I started with 11 eggs from Lisa and 10 were growing on the 7th day and 10 were growing on the 14th day. So in the end I got 10 to hatch out and 6 of them are NN and the other 4 are full feathered. I just love the little showgirls they are so much cuter in person Enjoy and Thanks Again Lisa for the Great Eggs, Best hatch I have ever had. Dennis

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