Hey guys I candled the last egg and its not moving at all. I'm sorry for wasting your time:(
I hope when I do it next time it'll turn out better thank you guys or being patient and supportive and informative, I really do appreciate it;)
I'll crack it open to later and post pics
I'll also do the water test.
I'm so sorry that I let you guys down I know you guys could not wait to see the baby's. Next time I will make sure I do everything correctly !! And I'll have more too again thank you guys for everything that you have done:)

Time wasn’t wasted. Learning experience for everyone! I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you, I just feel like I got y all excited for nothing.

Well it was exciting, but we are here to share your excitement... and your heartache. :( It happens. Nobody has 100% hatches every time. So we learn from our mistakes, and you were big enough to share, so we have to support you. It’s what we do. :hugs

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