

13 Years
Jan 24, 2007
Help! I have a beautiful Japanese rooster and he's gotten frostbitten on his comb as it is dark. Do I treat this? If so, how/with what? Will it be beautiful again?

Thank you for any help/advice.
Rub vaseline or another kind of petroleum jelly on it, rub on a genorous amount, it will help it, not sure if it will be beautiful again I guess that depends on how bad it is.

Thank you, Dean. I smeared some on him and hopefully it will look better someday. I was hoping it wouldn't get yucky and kill him eventually and no one told me that, so that too is good news even if it doesn't look beautiful again. I also made sure there wouldn't be any more drafts (I guess that's what got him) and turned on a lamp last night in their building.? It's been so cold for a few days in a row. Am looking forward to the early spring that the gopher predicted:)
I live in Minnesota and have had frostbite on all of my roosters and some of the hens combs, (and my feet!) and it's never bothered them. So I very much doubt it'll kill him.
The top of the affected spikes might scab up and fall off so he might not be quite as pretty as he was, but he won't mind.

Many here use lights to heat their coops, just a word of caution, there have been many fires as a result of lights that have fallen or dirty sockets and bulbs. So make sure it's secured so it can't get knocked over. Also if you expect to use it for a long period of time, it might be a good idea to invest in a red heat lamp, or an infrared bulb like they use for reptiles. The bright white light will mess with the chickens reproduction.

Here's hoping your guy will have a speedy recovery.
I love the looks of those Japanese roosters, makes me wish I had more room in the coop!

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