Frozen feet?

Yes he has been exposed to the ground maybe about 1 week ago. Also with the medicated chick feed I can't go to the feed store as my sister had a accident today and I don't know how to drive yet and I doubt anyone would want to take me to the feed store. What I do have is regular chick starter/grower and olive oil. I don't know if I have cayenne or paprika I'll have to look

Too fast to be worms, if intestinal, then likely cocci. Tight confinement aggravates if cleaning not rigorous.

Know any neighbors raising chicks? I have a small back of exactly what need but a few hundred miles away.

Boil an egg, chop it up. Do have a can of sardines or canned salmon in the house. Highly tasty and excellent nutrition.
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Yeah I know my management isn't the best and I've only owned chickens for about 4 months so I'm relatively new to all of this. Also I do have a wormer in a pill form that I could give. I got it from Mexico as my uncle has chickens as well and he sent me some medication for coccidia and a water soluble respiratory disease and some worming pills. I could give one but as you said he's weak.
I would gamble it is cocci. Get it into his water at proper dossage. Contact you uncle about how the medication he sent works. If you have gatorade, then water bird with that.

You will learn and be able to head this stuff off next time. Start handling birds more as helps detect these issues before becoming an emergency.

I have to step away from computer for a couple hours. Hopefully you will get bird rebound some during that time. Keep him in mid 70's.
Simply warming up will promote improvement but cause of this will make so recovery not complete. Keep food and water going into bird. If cocci and just about anything, then the bout of hypothermia this bird suffered will set stage for secondary infection and loss from that.

Even if you get bird on a coccidiostat it will take a few days for real improvement to occur. Get that going ASAP if not already doing so. How is other bird in pen doing?
Yeah he's doing better he's now eating and drinking fine. I think he will make it thank you very much will update on his condition
@Armando I 3454

I am combating cold with younger birds than you and employing something you might try until your rooster gets back into good health. I am using a huddle box. Been using them a summer a lot with really young birds to help get them to roost where I want. This is different as now trying to mitigate cold stress. I want birds to roost together out of direct wind on a surface that does not suck heat from their feet. Two pens of juveniles will have them installed. Will show pictures shortly. This round will be dirt cheap using hay stuffed into boxes Christmas gifts were stuffed into. Birds all released from pens to in part to make job easier. Birds are games which makes working around them easy and as a rule more fun.
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