@N F C we haven't heard back from the dr yet which is annoying. I'm going to call and ask for rhem to schedule an MRI and look for a surgeon myself. I don't think we need a referral.

@BlueBaby she's a very cuddly dog. Sleeps in the bed right next to me.

As I type one of the chicks has found something in their brooder and is running around with a dozen more chasing it :gig
@N F C we haven't heard back from the dr yet which is annoying. I'm going to call and ask for rhem to schedule an MRI and look for a surgeon myself. I don't think we need a referral.

@BlueBaby she's a very cuddly dog. Sleeps in the bed right next to me.

As I type one of the chicks has found something in their brooder and is running around with a dozen more chasing it :gig

Chick football is so much fun to watch :lol:

Annoying about the doc thing :mad:
Cool Hot Wheel! I didn't know you collected those IM. I sure wish I would have kept my boy's old ones...probably could have retired a 1/2 a millionaire.

I wish I still had what I'd collected when my son was a kid too, but things happen. I got back inyo it when Courtney had the boys. I'm not serious about it at all, don't spend more than $1 for one and it has to be off the wall like this one.

I blew up all my hot wheels as a pre-teen and young teen, made war and car accident scenes with them as soon as I was old enough to play with fire.

Yea, my son did too, but he kept a few favorites in good condition.
@N F C we haven't heard back from the dr yet which is annoying. I'm going to call and ask for rhem to schedule an MRI and look for a surgeon myself. I don't think we need a referral.

@BlueBaby she's a very cuddly dog. Sleeps in the bed right next to me.

As I type one of the chicks has found something in their brooder and is running around with a dozen more chasing it :gig

Yes, chick's do that, and I laugh at them when they do. I'm having home-made Lasagna for dinner tonight.
The dogs got a happy meal

The garden


The 4 winds, called so because when they sweep in the tweens scatter. They're disgruntled about sharing the coop.

The Tweens. They follow me around a lot so I used that to my advantage. The lone Turken pullet is still very human friendly so I used that too. I locked the mini coop and left the big door to the main coop open last night. At dusk I walked out there and stood inside the coop. The Turken pullet came for some love so I picked her up and put her on the roost and the rest got the idea. Simple.

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