More Tweens
Currently the main coop houses the 4 winds and the tweens. By late December or early January I plan to process 3/5 cockerels in the tween group, keeping the penciled Turken and Dorking mix for breeding. By then I should be able to tell cockerels from pullets in this last hatch and I plan to move the pullets to the main coop and keep the cockerels in the mini coop for a short time before processing depending on size.

I've been working on getting the tweens out to the big yard a bit. Everyone loves wet feed mixed with a bit of scratch and bugs so I've been giving it in the evening on the patio. The boys are starting to show signs of wrangling for the top spot but nothing crazy so far.

I'm getting one egg a day, 2 if I'm lucky.
Those 3/4 Dorkings have a really nice Silver Duckwing pattern. You could probably get away with breeding and calling them Silver Grey Dorkings. According to the Chicken Calculator 1 in 8 should have that pattern, and from the 30 or so I hatched out none of the female came out that nice the ones with that pattern had darker heads, I do not believe I have a male that came out with that pattern unless it had serious leakage. You ended up with the best 2 created from that breeding.

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