@igorsMistress At least it was a nice day out there today, even if you used it to do some yard work. I used some of the afternoon out there sitting on my upside-down bucket watching the flock and those 6 chick's I tossed out there into the grow-out pen. I seen Roger breed one of the Barnevelder pullet's, so I guessing she will start laying soon. She submitted to him before he even started dancing and threw it up there for him (little hussy). :gig

I added some plastic to the sides of the mini coop and moved the piece opposite the door to the outside for a better fit. Much happier with the results. Igor is working on the nest box. No chicken processing today, too many other things to do.
Looking good there @igorsMistress I guess that mean's that there is no chicken dinner in your future for tonight, then? It is so nice out there right now, but they mentioned rain coming again for Monday and Tuesday on the weather report.
We had a chicken thing last night so it's ok. Tonight is homemade sloppy joes, pasta salad and broccoli slaw.
It's already getting cloudy out there 😔 I'm ready for a nap and that doesn't help.

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