Today’s pics. The middle one was just a few minutes ago. They’re starting to settle for the night.
I've been there before with the little ones, you get so worried and want to go check them.
Yes you do. They’re just a few days old and have already been through so much!
They look super cuddly IM, do they mind when you pick them up?
They aren’t thrilled, but they don’t go running off screaming about it. I do the same with them that I did with my chicks. Their water is right inside the door so I sit in the doorway and let my hand dangle near it to get them used to me. They are really active after I get off work so it’s a good time. I just move slowly and try not to freak them out and handle them gently.
I just went out to tuck them in. They are tired and didn’t struggle at all this evening.
Yes you do. They’re just a few days old and have already been through so much!

They aren’t thrilled, but they don’t go running off screaming about it. I do the same with them that I did with my chicks. Their water is right inside the door so I sit in the doorway and let my hand dangle near it to get them used to me. They are really active after I get off work so it’s a good time. I just move slowly and try not to freak them out and handle them gently.
I just went out to tuck them in. They are tired and didn’t struggle at all this evening.
I have a feeling they will soon be following you around! :love

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