Funny Faverolles


I have a Delaware/Dorking rooster,
and I used to have a Buff Orpington but he passed away the night before last.

I have had 2 Black Australorps that were grouchy and nasty...Yup...I have relocated them to the "wild" lol.
I am thinking 'bout getting a SF rooster...
Good idea? I don't want fights with the other rooster,
but I can't have a small bantam or a big giant for my SF hens.

It is hard getting the right size!
I didn't want any roosters but he's fine for now. But I have the right ratio now. 9 hens and 1 roo. Breeds really don't matter to me on roosters. All breeds can be bad or good. Depends on the individual rooster. I personally wouldn't recommend 2 roosters of any breed. That's just me. Unless you have more than one coop and run.
Thank you!

I agree!
Everyone says: "Australorp's are an awesome breed!"
I had three bad ones. Yes, I am sure there is good ones, but I haven't had any luck.

I have 6 flocks actually,
the only reason I am worried is;
I am going to build a run but, the 6 flocks might fight.

Here is my same 'ole routine when they are free-range:

Oldest outside Monday,
Middle-aged (lol) out Tuesday,
youngest out Wednesday.

Bad weather kills my plan. :)
Sorry if I answered late, I was out for a bit!

Yup, I thought so too with the fights.

I think I almost got one flock cooperating with another,
but the ones that don't will have to go out at different times until dusk.

Little by little, step by step!
Hopefully it will fall into place!

-The Angry Hen

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