Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

My Easter egger is so weird she thinks that sitting on eggs for 12 hours every day is enough to let them hatch.She has been doing this for a month or two and she is probably thinking"Why aren't these gosh darn eggs hatching".She even plucked all of her chest feathers off.

Haha! She sounds like a character! How old is she? If she's under a year then that's probably why she is trying, buuuut failing at broodiness
I am loving these stories and have to add my own funny, tragic, soap opera. I once had a rooster that was young fine looking but mean and obnoxious to the ladies. Well there was one hen in particular who put up with his shenanigans for a while, then on the coldest night of the winter she decided she had had enough of him and she "divorced" him and jumped into the other coop with my older but more gentlemanly rooster. The Arrogant Rooster pouted for a few days in the cold, by himself... and then determined that he was going to get her back. So he bravely jumped into the other pen and attempted to woo her back, to which she would commence a screeching and her new Beau would come rescue her. Finally completely dejected, the rooster jumped back over the fence to his side. Two days later (spoiler alert.... sad ending)

..... he jumped the fence into the dog yard effectively committing suicide... poor guy.... I warned him to mend his ways and treat the girls right.......

The hen still will not put up with any Rooster who is not kind and will flit from boyfriend to boyfriend as suits her fancy......

This story had my city folk co workers rolling in the aisles.....
I am loving these stories and have to add my own funny, tragic,  soap opera.  I once had a rooster that was young fine looking but mean and obnoxious to the ladies.  Well there was one hen in particular who put up with his shenanigans for a while,  then on the coldest night of the winter she decided she had had enough of him and she "divorced" him and jumped into the other coop with my older but more gentlemanly rooster.   The Arrogant Rooster pouted for a few days in the cold, by himself... and then determined that he was going to get her back.  So he bravely jumped into the other pen and attempted to woo her back,  to which she would commence a screeching and her new Beau would come rescue her.   Finally completely dejected,  the rooster jumped back over the fence to his side.   Two days later  (spoiler alert.... sad ending)

..... he jumped the fence into the dog yard effectively  committing suicide... poor guy.... I warned him to mend his ways and treat the girls right.......

The hen still will not put up with any Rooster who is not kind  and will flit from boyfriend to boyfriend as suits her fancy......

This story had my city folk co workers rolling in the aisles.....   

Poor guy, but that is a great story. Love the idea of chicken divorce.
And there you have it folks: chickens do have personalities!

Poor little dude though. Even though he was a jerk, I would've beat those dogs with a big fat stick. I heard a story of a guy who bought a very well bred golden retreiver to hunt ducks with. He got into the chicken pen and killed a chicken, so the dude's wife came out and beat him - with the dead chicken!!! He never went near anything with feathers again
Aha, she proably will.I had one girl go broody four times before she was over a year, but she would take hour long breaks
Okay let's see if anybody is still subbed to this thread...

We might get chicks and let our latest broody (Falcon and Canary) raise them! :celebrate

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