

In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 2, 2012
I have been having Fun with My First Chickens - had to turn 60 to become a Chick Magnet!

Anyway, I was out, Chicken Wrangling, watching over my Flock of Eight 10-week old Buff Orpingtons. One of them likes to get up in my Lap, and so I invited Her to come on up...she stretched her neck, and shuffled from one foot to the other, even Bobbing down and up like she wanted to jump, but didn't. So, Moving slowly, I reached Down to her, and she let me pick her up. As soon as she was up on my Hand, she climbed all the way up to my Shoulder, and them went around my Neck to the other side. She was facing away from me, and her Butt was right near my Ear.

Imagine My Surprise to hear little squeals....I turned to look, and it bacame apparent that she was FARTING in my face! I guess that it is just like other Aminals - eat a lot of food, and have gas!!!
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Chicken Farts!
I tell them Often: "First One Crows, Meets Mr. Cleaver!" - They each reply: "I'm a HEN! I'm a HEN!"

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