fuzzi's Chicken Journal

"There's a big red monster outside the coop!"

"Run away! Run away!"

Under the dog house base they're completely protected from wind and rain. I might throw some straw underneath tomorrow so they'll have a dry nest.

Earlier one of the cockerels was chasing the others, grabbing them by the neck or perhaps the comb. Normal behavior? Or was he upset over the changes in his environment?
I checked my supply of straw, still had a couple "flake" portions. I took one and loosened it up, and placed it under the dog house. If they're going to sleep there the least I can do is give them some nesting material.
Checked up on the flock mid-afternoon.

First time for scrambled eggs...a hit!

The straw under the roost is damp to the touch, the wind is blowing moisture in but not rain, does that make sense?

I suspect the area under the dog house is still dry. Hope so!
Checked up on the flock mid-afternoon.

First time for scrambled eggs...a hit!
View attachment 3460588

The straw under the roost is damp to the touch, the wind is blowing moisture in but not rain, does that make sense?

I suspect the area under the dog house is still dry. Hope so!

The weather the last couple days is NASTY.

Extra dry bedding would be good if you have it available, though if that area where they're sleeping is dry then they should be fine. :)
The weather the last couple days is NASTY.

Extra dry bedding would be good if you have it available, though if that area where they're sleeping is dry then they should be fine. :)
The straw under the dog house was dry as of midday. I would think it still was, but didn't want to uncover it again and open it up to the elements.

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