fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Makes sense.

Portions of my coop floor are wet for only the second time ever.

Fortunately, this rain intrusion is of minimal concern in an open air coop. It will dry as soon as the sun comes out.
When I went out this afternoon they were under the roost (on damp straw) and behind it, it was probably dryer back there.

When I checked the straw and felt the moisture I pulled some off the top, and it was dry underneath. And there were no puddles in the run even though the ground and litter was wet.
Sunday Afternoon

Enjoying the freshly-pulled weeds I provided:

Blue on my shoulder:
Well, that stinks that you have a lot of boys.

You can try re-homing them, if that's not what you want to do, then grow them out and process them. That's basically the options.
I know, I know. I'd rather rehome than process, they're so cute. If they start acting like buttholes then it would probably be easier.

But only 2 pullets? :sigh:

I hesitate to add another batch of SR.

Guess I'll look at the other breed options from Cackle and Chickens for Backyards. They both offer Barred Rock bantam sexed available for late summer.
Oh, BR bantams! Those would be fun!

I do like Barred Rocks though I only have one left. I have some Dominiques and like them too, they have grown on me and rank up there with the BR's. A bit smaller than BR's and lay more of a medium egg, but they have a nice disposition that I enjoy.

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