fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Martha, a week ago:
Started feeling out of sorts on Tuesday, had a low grade fever (99° plus). Stayed home Wednesday and Thursday, running a 100° fever, some muscle aches, tired, no other symptoms. Fever broke so I snuck into work on Friday for about 30 minutes to send a few important emails and avoid FMLA paperwork :rolleyes:

My chicks have gotten a little less attention but I did bring them grapes and checked on food and water levels daily.

Then I saw this yesterday afternoon:

It wasn't like that a few days ago. I've had green algae in the waterers before, but not brown slime.

Soaking in a water and white vinegar solution:

After it's thoroughly cleaned I'm going to find a location in the coop that doesn't get direct sunlight. And I plan to add a little ACV to the water.

To be continued...
I thought when I saw your post it was going to be about eggs. Soon for sure!

Edit. Sorry you were not feeling well. A week ago I had something similar. Glad it's gone.
I called in sick, got "Have you gone to the doctor?" response. Really? Why would I expose others to what I have and possibly expose myself to something worse to see a doctor for a 100° virus of some sort?

I rested, drank lots of filtered water, and ate homemade bone broth. It worked for me a couple years ago when I (probably) had Covid.
I called in sick, got "Have you gone to the doctor?" response. Really? Why would I expose others to what I have and possibly expose myself to something worse to see a doctor for a 100° virus of some sort?

I rested, drank lots of filtered water, and ate homemade bone broth. It worked for me a couple years ago when I (probably) had Covid.
Feel the same. No need to go to the Dr for viral stuff unless it gets bad. They always say the same thing. Tylenol for fever, fluids, rest.. bla, bla,bla. $$$

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