Genetic defect or disease in Jersey Giants


9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
In March we got 12 Jersey Giants from a hatchery, 6 black and 6 whites. All arrived in good health. At about 3-4 weeks old we noticed that one of the whites was limping a bit. On inspection I noticed that one of her knees seemed larger than the other, perhaps swollen. In the last couple months she has progressed from limping to not being able to use the one leg to total paralysis of both legs. She is the size of a bantam game hen, apparently dwarfed. She eats and drinks normally. We have her isolated in her own cage, she hobbles around, scooting on her belly.

Anyone have any thoughts on what is wrong with her? If it was up to me I probably would have culled her ages ago. Soft hearted hubby baby's her and refused to let me do the deed.
That definitely sounds bad. I'm not sure what would cause the swollen joints like that, but it very well could be some genetic defect given you describe her overall size and proportion as dwarfed. I have my roost for my Jersey Giants much lower than for my other chickens because their weight puts more strain on their legs. When they hit the ground, you can hear that 10 lbs worth of hen touching down! If she's dragging herself along on her abdomen, she's suffering. Try to convince your husband that prolonging her life is not helping her.

If you go to the Jersey Giants club site, they have some articles posted about common problems and defects. Perhaps that would be of use to you. I'm sure a district leader would also be open to giving you guidance on potential breed problems and how to avoid them in your breeding program.

wait for him to go to work.. the bird is only suffering until then ..

Good way to get you in hot water with hubby though...if someone did that behind my back, who knows how long they would be in the dog house. I would talk with him about it...she isnt improving, infact she is deteriorating...she doesnt sound like a happy girl.
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Actually she seems quite content. She doesn't weigh 2 pounds, she's the size of some of my bantams. In all other respect she looks like a Jersey, down to the black legs with yellow bottoms. She talks to us, eats, poops and drinks. The only problem is her mobility, until just a few weeks ago she free ranged with the others hobbling on one leg. It was only when the roos started bothering her that we confined her

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