Genetics Calculator Chat Thread

This is random. So posted it on a more appropriate thread.
White is easy on the judges eyes. :lau They are also easier to breed cause they don't have much for patterning
I can make a poem

White Rocks
Judges love em'
Breeders learn to deal with em'
Reserve Champion American.
Guess who beat me?
A white Plymouth Rock.
A white Plymouth Rock.
A white Plymouth Rock.
Was it a pullet too?
Of course.
White is easy on the judges eyes. Can't blame em' for that.
With all the breeding for color in other rocks
The type has been lost
White Rocks.
This is random. So posted it on a more appropriate thread.

I can make a poem

White Rocks
Judges love em'
Breeders learn to deal with em'
Reserve Champion American.
Guess who beat me?
A white Plymouth Rock.
A white Plymouth Rock.
A white Plymouth Rock.
Was it a pullet too?
Of course.
White is easy on the judges eyes. Can't blame em' for that.
With all the breeding for color in other rocks
The type has been lost
White Rocks.
So weird. I'm glad I didn't post it on that thread.
What is so great about white? JMO... it's plain dull & boring. Like Vanilla ice cream...needs something for "PAZZAZ"! fudge and pecans!
Splash of color for me please???
How does Splash genetics work?
Roo XX
Hen XY
all the "goodies" feather color, are they on those X's?
What is so great about white? JMO... it's plain dull & boring. Like Vanilla ice cream...needs something for "PAZZAZ"! fudge and pecans!
Splash of color for me please???
How does Splash genetics work?
Roo XX
Hen XY
all the "goodies" feather color, are they on those X's?
Exactly. Actually I like some white birds because they look pristine, but white on rocks shows off all of their worst traits. I like white on a global Wyandotte, a graceful Polish, a slim Leghorn. And it simplifies the color of many other birds like Marans and Legbars and shows off their less paid attention to traits. But Rocks look great in color and strut their stuff, a good barred rock, a perfect double laced. Why fade all that awesomeness into plain old white.

Splash is an codominant trait. Bl'Bl' is black, Bl'Bl is blue BlBl is splash. To make them easier to tell apart Kippenjungle makes them BlBl black, Blbl blue and blbl splash. Black BlBl and black BlBl give you BlBl black. Black BlBl and blue give you half black and half blue because blue has to give one allele to it's offspring, and it has a fifty percent chance of either. So you get fifty percent black BlBl and fifty percent blue Blbl. Blue and blue gives you a fifty percent chance of Blbl blue and a 25 percent black BlBl and a 25 percent chance of splash bb. Splash blbl and splash blbl gives you splash because they have to give b no matter what. Splash and blue gives fifty percent blue and fifty percent splash. Splash blbl and black BlBl gives you one hundred percent blue. If you don't get it here is a chart.
Chromosomes. Sexlinked genes like barring work this way.

Some genes only fit on the X chromosome like barring which looks like this on males B/B and this on females B/- because females only have one X chromosome. So the males immediately inherit one barring gene from their mother, while the fathers give the gene to their sons, they also give one to each of their daughters.
If the father is barred and the mother is black all the sons look like this B/b+ so single barred. The girls get B from their father so B/- single barred.
If their father is a solid color, say black, and their mother is barred the boys will inherit the barring and their father's solid black, so barred. The hens will inherit their one gene from their father and be black. Sexlinkage. There is also another few combinations I don't feel like explaining. If you think back to science class way back when, this was explained. Just not with chickens maybe.;) You know feather sexing? That is sexlinked so we have a fast feathering father and slow feathering mother you get fast feathering pullets and slow feathering cockerels. This can be done within a breed. However, you have to purposefully make this cross, so it's always better to just do an easy cross, like an Australorp over a barred rock or something, how hard can that be?
What is so great about white? JMO... it's plain dull & boring. Like Vanilla ice cream...needs something for "PAZZAZ"! fudge and pecans!
Splash of color for me please???
How does Splash genetics work?
Roo XX
Hen XY
all the "goodies" feather color, are they on those X's?
The transition in this post is fantastic :lau

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