Georgette's Gender? (quite a few pics)


9 Years
Jul 21, 2010
Like a lot of folks on here, we got our chickens from a feed store. One is never sure of not only the gender, but the breed of the chickens

Our first batch - suppose to be Buff Orps turned out to be Reds - We have Angel and Camilla from that batch and they are 3 weeks older than the Buff Orps we got afterwards.

The second batch of Buff Orps produced 2 Orps and One Buff Rock (very yellow legs! - that was lucy the not right in the head chicken many of you might have read about - she is now happy in another home and spoiled rotten! yea!)

Now I have a few questions about the Buff Orps we have - 3 of them who are now 9 weeks old.

The big question is Georgette who started getting RED wattles at around 3-4 weeks old. The other two don't have wattles like she does. I posted a video when Georgette was 5 weeks old and many who responded said, DEF a boy. I posted last week with picks of her at 7 weeks old and everyone said, DEF girl... soooooooo I'm still not sure on that one. I took updated pics of her this last weekend though.
My other questions are with Olivia and Blondie. Blondie is really much lighter and her tail is so different from ALL my other chickens. It is a big puff tail.... Olivia is SO fat compared to the others and has a couple of dark feathers in her tail. Nothing major like my REDS did, just a couple - I read others write on their page that their buff Orps - a couple had a few darker feathers in their tail.... Olivia is a food monger, so no surprised she is much fatter!
Questions are: I hope my pictures help! I have them labeled so the chickens don't get mixed up as to who is who
Do Buff Orps sometimes have a couple of dark feathers like Olivia?

Why is Blondie SO much lighter and why is her tail so fluffy puffy at the end

Georgette's Gender?



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Can't comment on the genders, but your coop is Gorgeous!!! Love the tree branch roosts and the PVC feeder....gets me itching to fix mine up a bit....
Thanks! They LOVE the tree branches! I tried birch first - the smaller branches on the birch were TOO slippery - We got the PVC from the local landfill - it was set asside, so our only cost there was the connectors! I have the nesting boxes outlined in blue...
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :


Thanks - I think they are beautiful.... but mom's can be biased

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