Georgia Town BANS Public BreastFeeding!!!

The american academy of pediatrics recommends breastfeeding until at LEAST 1, and further goes on to promote breastfeeding until the child is 2. the benefits of breastfeeding don't have a magic expiration date.
Is that really a concern though?
As someone else said, children will wean themselves at some point

. I have never met a 10yo, let alone an 18 year old who is still nursing.​

Exactly. Just like other mammals - they will wean. Maybe you'll get one here and there in a few thousand that just won't wean, but for the most part, they want to grow up. Otherwise, could you imagine how hard potty training would be?
Its not the fact that they are drinking milk. Its breast feeding in public. If the kid was drinking his mothers milk out of a bottle no one would complain.

And that is the crux of the issue right there. No one would have a problem if the child was drinking whatever out of a bottle *the American way*, it's that we have a problem with the breast being part of the equation.

It can be done with modesty, no matter the childs age. I breast fed my son in front of a doctor, who was totally clueless of what I was doing.
Am I wrong, or does it seem like there has sure been some
strange subjects in these parts lately.

"Breast-feeding in Georgia law...yet no one from Georgia has
responded. Everywhere else...just not Georgia.

But a little kid has got to eat...

Go for it. I can't see a whole bunch of women going to prison
over this. But the time the children are grown, they
should be stopping. Never really thought about it ...they should
probably stop by the time they get teeth?

Where's our female members from Georgia?
there is an 8 year old girl in the u.k. i believe somewhere that was still breastfed. I personally believe that's a little odd, but i wouldn't go so far as to say mom and child have a mental illness. I think as long as the nursing relationship is mutually beneficial and not forced it's none of my business.?

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I think that ANY ban of breastfeeding, no matter what the wording or intention, is wrong.

There is already far too little support of breast feeding in this country as it is, we don't need to give people any reason to vilify it any further. We need to make laws to SUPPORT lactating mothers, not to crucify them. It's already hard enough for new mothers to choose breastfeeding over formula.

For those of you who are complaining, saying that 2 (or 10) is too old to breastfeed, how many mothers do you see nursing a 10-year-old (or 2-year-old, for that matter) in public? Few to none. And how many laws are in place now? None. Is this really an issue requiring legislation?

As a baby gets older, they require breast milk less frequently and most parents (and children) are able to self-moderate so they do not need to nurse in public. I can't believe that this is enough of a public nuisance in Georgia that they truly need a law banning it. It sounds to me like someone who never nursed their children gets grossed out by nursing mothers in general, and this is the closest they can get to banning them.
Yes, let's talk about the people of walmart. In essence, what the government of Georgia is saying is that it's okay to hang them out in public for all the world to see, as long as there's not a baby attached to them.
Yes, let's talk about the people of walmart. In essence, what the government of Georgia is saying is that it's okay to hang them out in public for all the world to see, as long as there's not a baby attached to them.

Of course it's ok! Haven't you watched TV in the last 10-15 years? It's sexy, unless there's a baby attached... then its just gross!

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