German New Hampshire

Thank you for the information, Jeff! Even though I can understand German language a bit, can not pronounce the words even if my life depended on it. I wonder why the RIR., and NH are always compared to each other? I have both breeds, and the only resemblance I see in between are; they are both my novice eyes, both look quite unique, and different in appearance in their own special way.

Good catch! they are not similar in color or shape.

Well I candled the test batch F2 generation XW-Jwhip german/ good shepherd cross NH eggs on day 5...
8 of 10 are developing nicely. There were 2 clears. The 7 month old cockerel is doing his job it seems -he's been in with 2 hens and 4- 7 month old pullets...
I am getting 2 more nice XW bred F1 NH pullets directly from Jeremy Woeppel in a few weeks. I will be taking a few NH pullets to the Tucson poultry show in late November. We will then put a breeding pen together of the new F1 XW bred pullets and the #1 F1 male in December. Hopefully will hatch at least 25+ from this trio in Jan/Feb to grow out a few more nice breeders/show birds for the 2014 season. I will get pics at the show to share...need to get some updated pics of our #1 male soon too. Of course, I will update re: the F2 hatch and post pics around Oct. 23rd.

P.S. I am jealous about the shows wish I could do that. Best of luck to you!!!! From what I have seen these Hamps will win.

Thanks, Scott...You surely have some shows in your area??

Yeah there is one in Fayetteville 1st week in Nov and two or three in surrounding Mo and OK soon too. Scott look in the Poultry Press you're in the middle of shows coming here soon. That time of the year for them to be kicking off as the weather cools some.

Congrats on the results so far on your test hatch Cindy. I hope to be doing the same soon too, well my chosen boy is molting right now of course but anyway probly 'bout the time he is done the weather will be more suited for me to try my experimental hatch too, if the girls comply.

Took two of the offspring from the birds I got indirectly from Kathy Bonham last year to a show this weekend. 1100 bird show, still early in the season, but a 7mno NH male was best American and the other NH I brought was res American. She is the same age. The birds this season are growing much more rapidly than last years birds. I can't believe how fast the males are growing. last year it took over 11 mo's to fill out. Fed the same thing as last year. This is a remarkable breed! Judges who were showing at this show sure liked them. The type and color. IMO this was not a strong American class, but it was an opportunity to have other judges see them in person.....not a "Looks like a brown bird" comment in the lot. I loved their comments and they loved the two birds. Will post pictures later.

Took two of the offspring from the birds I got indirectly from Kathy Bonham last year to a show this weekend. 1100 bird show, still early in the season, but a 7mno NH male was best American and the other NH I brought was res American. She is the same age. The birds this season are growing much more rapidly than last years birds. I can't believe how fast the males are growing. last year it took over 11 mo's to fill out. Fed the same thing as last year. This is a remarkable breed! Judges who were showing at this show sure liked them. The type and color. IMO this was not a strong American class, but it was an opportunity to have other judges see them in person.....not a "Looks like a brown bird" comment in the lot. I loved their comments and they loved the two birds. Will post pictures later.


Excellent, Walt! Looking forward to photos...
I figure it's all good just to get this highly underrated breed out there at the shows whether there's lots in the class or not...seems like every breeder who gets their hands on some of these becomes smitten with them.
Took two of the offspring  from the birds I got indirectly from Kathy Bonham last year to a show this weekend. 1100 bird show, still early in the season, but a 7mno NH male was best American and the other NH I brought was res American. She is the same age. The birds this season are growing much more rapidly than last years birds. I can't believe how fast the males are growing. last year it took over 11 mo's to fill out. Fed the same thing as last year. This is a remarkable breed! Judges who were showing at this show sure liked them. The type and color. IMO this was not a strong American class, but it was an opportunity to have other judges see them in person.....not a "Looks like a brown bird" comment in the lot. I loved their comments and they loved the two birds. Will post pictures later.


Congratulations!! NHs are a gorgeous sight to behold; so wonderful that the people had the opportunity to see some good examples. I can hardly wait to start showing mine : ) Looking forward to seeing your photos..


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