Girl or boy? Quacking now rasping.

So, if he is a boy. What sort of problems should I expect. I’ve only ever had two girls. Now one boy and girl? If feeding wasn’t enough of a pain, I anticipate a host of other issues. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks guys!
Well over mating for one. And usually at the top. It's best for a drake to have at least min of 3 females. 4 and up is optimal. But 3 will work. And for feeding why not just use an all flock feed which is formulated for all poultry and put oyster shell in another bowl and your egg layers will use as needed.
Is there anything I can do to prevent overmating, aside from adding ducks? Probably not. Also, Miss Lydia, do you think it is conclusively male from that video? Thank you!!!

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