Girls on their own for a couple days: What great girls we have!

Mrs. Feathers

13 Years
Apr 2, 2010
We are out of town for the weekend for Christmas. Our coop is set up so we can leave our gals for a couple days but we have not done so since they have been laying. I am thinking that the eggs will be fine to eat if they are left for a couple days? I have a friend who does not refridgerate eggs at all but since I have always done so I am a little concerned. Anything to worry about?
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I hate these short days, makes it hard to gather eggs. Especially with that slick-as-snot adobe mud muck in the run between the coops! I've let some sit in the nests for 3 days before I gathered all of 'em. No freezing here, and I DO leave my eggs on the counter, anyway. I figger they were cooler in the nest boxes than in my house, so no problem.

I had a co-worker that lived in Mexico for a number of years. She said the eggs were never refrigerated, they just let them sit in a cool place out of the sun.

I eat my eggs all the time here without refrigeration and haven't gotten ill....
do you have a neighbor close that might like to collect and keep the eggs for you....when we go on vacation my neighbor always asks...would you like for me to collect the eggs for you...she feels like a farm girl for a few days...and ofcourse i let her keep all she finds....Merry Christmas
They'll be fine--although they may be a bit dirty--and won't start to develop embryos in that short a time even if you have a broody. Enjoy your vacation.
Thanks all! We haven`t had a roo for two months now so should be safe there...besides my girls seem to be more concerned with their bellies and the treats they will get than on going broody!
at your slick as snot mud comment.
I personally would fry them up for the chickens when getting back. Whenever there is the slightest doubt I tend to do that but that is just me. I'm not sure where you are but here we have to worry about eggs freezing. I am leaving for a 24 hour period and know I will have frozen eggs when I get back and those will be fried up for the dogs and chickens.

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