Goat breathing heavy and clumsy

She’s a strong girl. She didn’t make it to the shelter she was fine sleeping under the porch. I let the others stay out to go hang with her. My daughter refuses to leave oh she took Several camping blankets and a pillow to camp with them
It is my sincerest hope that a vet will be able to help. I was just putting my goats to bed for the night, and I thought about your goatie.
I think it’s beyond anything a vet can do though still trying to contact one. Her head is locked in a back position … I can’t even move it for her and eyes are bloodshot and constantly twitching Her body will just start convulsions and then just back to laying there with heavy breathing. She has it moved in for 12 hours. Even use the bathroom just laying there The other three girls so now laying and surrounding her. Not in intrusive way but in a way were they know
I hate to see this
Vet says sounds like possible listeria
Makes sense from what I’m reading. Not a good prognosis but. I have to put her dowMakes sense from what I’m reading. Not a good prognosis but. Even if it ends up being euthanizing I can’t let her suffer
They should be here any minute
OK. From the looks of things it is probably the Steria possibly polio. If it of course gave me options. She’s from the looks of things I did 20% mortality rate. It’s a lot but I’ve seen miracles occur. So The vet gave her a series of shots and left me a series of medication. If the treatments effective I should see improvement within 24 hours. If not 10 I’m gonna have to euthanize. Though these type of illnesses usually will take a life within 24 to 72 hours. Mamas strong so I’m hoping for the best
Thank you guys for all this support. It gets me through to help get her through
(I hope). Really
She hasn’t gotten worse for improved so just have to comfort wait and see. Trying to spoonfeed her supplement since she hasn’t eaten all day but she needs to take many breaks. Since whatever it is is affecting her brain it’s kind of like the vet explained up is down and down is up to her right now which is why her head wabbles and is so unsteady.

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