Goat breathing heavy and clumsy


Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 17, 2017
This evening I noticed My oldest goat Lucy breathing extremely heavy and not wanting to eat any grass or brush or anything and standing off by herself. (9 yrs old boer.) When she squat down to P she fell. And she’s walking with her back legs wide open but just kind of wants to stand by herself . But she’s breathing extremely heavy which is worrying
It’s almost like she’s struggling to stand at times. Any thoughts? I’m really worried. She seemed fine earlier today
Some say it’s silly to fuss so much over a goat but she’s more especially to my daughter

This wasn’t even a week ago. So it’s nice to have some people who can understand
The first two things that come to mind for me when it comes to goats and illnesses are internal parasites and pneumonia. First, I would check her FAMACHA score and take her temperature. If she looks anemic, I would definitely deworm her. Has she been coughing or have any discharge from the nose? Generally, for any sick goat you can start out with electrolytes/Nutridrench and B vitamin complex. I would also be worried about some other type of infection going on, or possible thiamin deficiency with trouble walking, but she could also be weak from any number of conditions. Did her pee look normal in color? No blood? No lumps in the throat? I would also be concerned about her possible eating something toxic to her. No introduction to new feeds?
of course she hast to start feeling this way Saturday night on an holiday weekend. But that’s how that works right?
ALWAYS!! 😣 I can't tell you how many times we've had animal emergencies on weekends, late evenings, or holidays in the last two years!

Come to think of it, my goat had been coughing for years (and the vets couldn't tell us why) before his heart finally gave out. So maybe your goat doesn't have a heart issue. I hope she gets better with vitamins etc.!
Vet says sounds like possible listeria
Makes sense from what I’m reading. Not a good prognosis but. I have to put her dowMakes sense from what I’m reading. Not a good prognosis but. Even if it ends up being euthanizing I can’t let her suffer
They should be here any minute

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