Goat breathing heavy and clumsy

Some say it’s silly to fuss so much over a goat but she’s more especially to my daughter

This wasn’t even a week ago. So it’s nice to have some people who can understand
Some say it’s silly to fuss so much over a goat but she’s more especially to my daughterView attachment 3248618
This wasn’t even a week ago. So it’s nice to have some people who can understand
I understand completely. My goats are my babies! I recently had to stay up all night after they got into their grain and one developed bloat. I hate how quickly they go down when ill. That happened on a Friday night, too.
Well I’ve always said with animals it’s just like kids they only get really sick on holidays and weekends.
I just feel bad also for her babies. They finally caved and ate some grain and hay tonight before they came back out to lay with her. They pretty much stayed there since she’s been down. They won’t leave her side. Which doesn’t seem odd but her babies are almost 7 years old now. Then we have an adoptee he just knows something bad is going on and it’s sitting on the sidelines confused and bored. Since nobody will go back to their fenced in area I’m glad they’re large coats so Not too many predators are going to mess with them. With them all in a group that’s over 600 pounds of goats with large horns
Wow, I was sure the vet was going to say put her down. I hope the meds work! I'm learning by following this thread. I don't have goats anymore and won't ever raise them again (too many problems like this; they are so fragile!), but I do keep sheep and all this stuff is good to know.
Well I’ve always said with animals it’s just like kids they only get really sick on holidays and weekends.
I just feel bad also for her babies. They finally caved and ate some grain and hay tonight before they came back out to lay with her. They pretty much stayed there since she’s been down. They won’t leave her side. Which doesn’t seem odd but her babies are almost 7 years old now. Then we have an adoptee he just knows something bad is going on and it’s sitting on the sidelines confused and bored. Since nobody will go back to their fenced in area I’m glad they’re large coats so Not too many predators are going to mess with them. With them all in a group that’s over 600 pounds of goats with large horns
I've only got 400 lbs of goats with large horns - lol!
Well I’ve always said with animals it’s just like kids they only get really sick on holidays and weekends.
I just feel bad also for her babies. They finally caved and ate some grain and hay tonight before they came back out to lay with her. They pretty much stayed there since she’s been down. They won’t leave her side. Which doesn’t seem odd but her babies are almost 7 years old now. Then we have an adoptee he just knows something bad is going on and it’s sitting on the sidelines confused and bored. Since nobody will go back to their fenced in area I’m glad they’re large coats so Not too many predators are going to mess with them. With them all in a group that’s over 600 pounds of goats with large horns
What's your goatie's name? I love her floppy Nubian ears. I have a Nubian mix named Cricket who is pure mischief!
I was warned by vet she only has 20% chance and will be around tomorrow if there’s no improvement and we need to euthanize
In the 8-9 years I’ve owned goats there haven’t been too many problems luckily and thankfully. Yes some have occurred for sure but overall it’s been good. Chickens have actually had more issues. But I have a huge love for goats especially for some reason. There way more personable smart and emotional than most people realize. Their like horned dogs :)
She curled up and actually was sleeping so peacefully when i went back out. She was curled up in normal goat sleep ball rather than laid out twitchy. Hoping it’s a good sign

Wow, I was sure the vet was going to say put her down. I hope the meds work! I'm learning by following this thread. I don't have goats anymore and won't ever raise them again (too many problems like this; they are so fragile!), but I do keep sheep and all this stuff is good to know.
What's your goatie's name? I love her floppy Nubian ears. I have a Nubian mix named Cricket who is pure mischief!
Her name is Lucy. She’s a boer goat but I did breed her with a Nubian and her kids Romeo and Joan love her Then there’s Autumn who was born from Lucy’s sister who sadly passed shortly after she was born. They were born only 2 days apart. And Carl was recently adopted … Pygmy Nigerian dwarf mix from a co worker looking for a good home for him. They are a mischievous because their goats. That’s what makes me crazy sorry but what makes me admire and adore them

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