Goat Lovers of Arizona

Thanks! I have a place out of goat reach for feed.
So, if a goat (is it called a nanny?) already gives milk, does she still need to be bred every year?
Nanny is kind of an older term for a female goat, kinda like billy is an older term for a buck. Most people just can an adult female goat a doe, and a young female goat a doeling.

If she is already in milk, she can stay in milk for a while. Most people milk them 9-12 months, and then dry them off for rebreeding. You can continue to milk her though, without her 'freshening' (being bred and giving birth, to refresh her milk supply). But the milk may eventually start to dwindle, produce less and less, even with multiple milkings a day. It really depends on the goat.
Quote: OOOPs, I should have know that. Denise my sister who owns most the goats always says doe and buck.
Here is our first baby for the kidding season. Most will be born in Jan. He will be ready for new home at Christmas if anyone is interested. He can be wethered or left as a buck.

Geeze it is cold here in Arizona the last 4 days but we got babies! The picture with two are 2 days old and the others just born today pictured a hour ago. We have more on the way! I think it is going to be a long cold night!


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