Going To Order, Anyone Want Anything? FREE CHICKS


Thunder Snow 2009!
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
I'm in Oklahoma!

I'm going to order some chicks from Ideal. I am only ordering 4-6, but they have to add extra chicks for warmth. If anyone is interested in ordering some, or taking the extra chicks, please let me know! The extra chicks are free of charge to me, so they would be free of charge to you!
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what kinda chicks?
Do you know what kind you will be getting? I might be interested if they are bantams, I'm looking for some chicks to raise for showmanship birds as a 4H project(I've got a new 4H group this year, I've already got 8 kids in the poultry project!). So if they are bantams, give me a heads up if you will ship! I could take 5 or 6.
Ideal has very few breeds that they are still shipping, and they are all Standard. The reason there are extra chicks is for warmth; I will only be able to do local pick-up, sorry everyone

Local as in Oklahoma. Okiechick, I probably live about an hour away from you, so that would be great!

I am ordering Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons. I e-mailed them to ask what the extras are, and she said they try to put in a different breed from what I've purchased so I can tell them apart.

I am not entirely sure I am going to order, but if I do I will let you know!
That's what they did with one of my orders; I had Cochins and D'Uccles and a BO rooster, and they put in 10 RIR roosters
Okiechick - I've heard alot of people saying that their hens have quit laying this past week or two. Or are yours older...?

Cara - Were all of the extras roos??

I am pretty skeptical about ordering this late in the year now, especially if all the extras are roos. I doubt Okie wants a bunch of roos *ha* Tonight is our first cold night here, so now I'm all worried about the chickies I've already got

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