Golden Sex Link with large fluid pockets


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 6, 2012
I have a golden sex link that is 4 months old. She has a huge chest that appears to be filled with fluid on both sides. Has anyone experienced anything like this? She does not appear sick in any way. Clear eyes. Eats and drinks. Not sure what I should do.
I have a 19 day old buff that has the same issue, she acts like nothing is wrong, but the "fluid bubble" on her breast is getting bigger and bigger every day What can I do?????
kjiminez, can you take a picture? There is a condition called subqutaneous emphysema, which is a leaking air sac under the skin, usually the result of an injury. It it doesn't become reabsorbed, you can stick a small needle in it carefully, and pull air out with a syringe. Try to be sure that this is what you are dealing with--make sure it is air and not fluid. Here is a link:
RodP, you may just have a full crop. Check it first thing in the morning to make sure it is full. If not you may have sour crop.
Eggcessive, the big "bubble" on her chest is there all the time. If it is "sour crop" what can be done, and is it fatal?

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