Gonna eat this silkie

Curious to find out what you think of it ...... I have a blue skinned one in the freezer and am wondering what it will be like. He had to go when SHE turned into a HE that was crowed like the best of them!!! Was really bummed that he had to go though
I've eaten Silkie before
- Tastes hardly any different than regular meat except a slightly more liver-like flavor. I guess it's what people call "gamey" in poultry
I dont care to much for legs and the breast were not worth the hassle of cutting them off. Very small birds.



The black and orange of my girls eggs is a nice contrast. The deep fryer is warming up and if you dont hear from me again you know the meat is not safe for conceptional.

Ate dozens of them while in Asia for work. I had a deal with my co-workers, "Do not let me order monkey!", I don't care the color, if i can identify it as chicken it's a safer bet than mystery red meat in sauce. Usually it was a chicken soup variation (chicken, broth, vegitables).
And here the Silkies I ate were completely free.
Lady had to get rid of some, so I got 'em and processed them that night.

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